E. Jennis, L. Jones, O. Williams, “Thermodynamic Scaling of Supersonic Retropropulsion Flowfields”, Experiments in Fluids, 66 [link]
A. Snortland, A. Hunt, O. Williams, B. Polagye, “Influence of the downstream blade sweep on cross-flow turbine performance,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy [link]
A. Pulimeno, G. Bommavaram, O. Williams, “Exploration of Stall Dynamics on a High-Speed CRM Wing”, SciTech 2025, AIAA 2025-2590 [link]
A. Hunt, A. Athair, O. Williams, B. Polagye, “Experimental validation of a linear momentum and bluff-body model for high-blockage cross-flow turbine arrays, Submitted [link]
O. Williams and A.J. Smits, “Asymmetries in nominally symmetric flows”, Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics [link]
G.Bommararm, “Exploration of turbulent separation over a CRM-HS model in a large scale wind tunnel”, Masters Thesis [link]
H. Chi, “The Influence of Preset Pitch on the Performance of Cambered Foils within Cross-flow Turbines”, Masters Thesis [link]
B. Long, “Three-dimensionality of Vertical Axis Cross-Flow Turbine Flow In High Confinement,” Masters Thesis [link]
S. Peddada, “Designing A Shock Tunnel To Enable High Enthalpy Experimental Investigation Of Hypersonic Flows,” Masters Thesis [link]
A. Snortland, I. Scherl, B. Polagye, O. Williams, “Cycle-to-cycle variations in cross-flow turbine performance and flowfields,” Experiments in Fluids, 64(12) 188. [link]
A. Athair, A. Snortland, I. Scherl, B. Polagye, O. Williams, “Intracycle Control Sensitivity of Cross-Flow
Turbines," EWTEC 2023. [link]
A. Snortland, O. Williams, B. Polagye, “Influence of the downstream blade sweep on cross-flow turbine performance”, EWTEC 2023 [link].
H. Lee, P. Martin, O. Williams, “Compressible boundary layer velocity transformation based on a generalized form of the total stress,” Physical Review Fluids. [link]
K. Manohar, O. Williams, R. Martinuzzi, C. Morton, “Sensor-based temporal super-resolution for turbulent separated flows,”Experiments in Fluids. [link]
H. Annamalai, “Detailed Characterization of Turbulent Separated Flow Dynamics and Boundary Layer Evolution Over a Speed-Bump Geometry“ Masters Thesis [link]
L. Jones, “Characterization of Onset and Transition to Instability in Supersonic Retropropulsion“ Masters Thesis [link]
E. Jennis, “Thermodynamic Scaling of Supersonic Retropropulsion Flowfeilds“ Masters Thesis [link]
O. Williams, H. Annamalai, T. Ozoroski, C. Roy, T. Lowe, “Comparison of hill-type geometries for the validation and advancement of turbulence models,” SciTech 2022, AIAA [link]
O. Williams, D. Sahoo, M. Papageorge, A. J. Smits , “Effects of roughness on a turbulent boundary layer in hypersonic flow,” Experiments in Fluids [link]
S. Kommalapati, “Machine Learning for Coherent Structure Identification and Super Resolution in Turbulent Flows“ Masters Thesis [link]
M. Robbins, “Detailed Characterization of Flowfields and Uncertainty in a Speed-Bump Turbulent Separated Flow Validation Experiment“ Masters Thesis [link]
C. Helm, P. Martin, O. Williams, “Characterization of the shear layer in separated shock/turbulent boundary layer interactions,”Journal of Fluid Mechanics [link].
M. Dave, B. Strom, A. Snortland, O. Williams, B. Polagye, J. Franck. “Vortex Dynamics of cross-flow turbines with intracycle angular velocity control,” AIAA Journal [link]
O. Williams, M. Samuell, M.Robbins, H. Annamalai, A. Ferrante (2021), “Characterization of separated flowfield over Gaussian speed-bump CFD validation geometry,” SciTech 2021, AIAA [link]
M.Robbins, M. Samuell, H. Annamalai, O. Williams (2021), “Overview of validation completeness for gaussian speed-bump separated flow experiments ,” SciTech 2021, AIAA [link]
M. Samuell, “Development of a turbulent separated flow validation test case: Experimental and computational (RANS) studies,” Masters Thesis [link]
A.-M. Schreyer, D. Sahoo, O. Williams, A.J. Smits, “Experiments on the influence of a microramp array on a hypersonic shockwave/turbulent boundary layer interaction,” AIAA Journal, Accepted [link]
I. Scherl, B. Strom, J.K. Shang, O. Williams, B.L. Polagye, S.L. Brunton (2020), “Robust principle component analysis for model decomposition of corrupt fluid flows,” Physical Review Fluids [link]
O. Williams, Madeline Samuell, Sage Sarwas, Matthew Robbins and Antonino Ferrante (2020), “Experimental study of a CFD validation test case for turbulent separated flows,” SciTech 2020, AIAA [link]
A. Snortland, B. Polagye, and O. Williams (2019), “Influence of near-blade hydrodynamics on cross-flow turbine performance,” EWTEC [link]
B. Ho (2019), "Characterizing unsteadiness in supersonic retropropulsion flows ," Masters Thesis [link]
X. Yang (2019), "Influence of jet pressure on multi-nozzle supersonic retropropulsion flowfields," Masters Thesis [link]
S. Sarwas (2019), "Experimental examination of new separated turbulent flow validation test geometry," Masters Thesis [link]
A.-M. Schreyer, D. Sahoo, O. Williams, A.J. Smits, “Experimental Investigation of Two Hypersonic Shock/Turbulent Boundary-Layer Interactions,” AIAA Journal [link]
M. Wong (2018), "Examination of the changes in spatial structure of the turbulent boundary layer under wave forcing using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition," Masters Thesis [link]
Y. Tan (2018), "Influence of pressure on supersonic retropropulsion flow at Mach 2," Masters Thesis [link]
O. Williams, D. Sahoo, M. Baumgartner, A.J. Smits, “Experiments on the structure and scaling of hypersonic boundary layers,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 834, 237-270, 2018 [link]
O. Williams, M. Wong, "Examination of changes to the spatial structure of turbulent boundary layers due to surface wave forcing using POD" 10th International symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP10), Chicago, 2017 [link]
O. Williams, A.J. Smits, "Effect of tripping on hypersonic turbulent boundary layer statistics", AIAA Journal, 55 (9), 3051-3058, 2017 [link]
O. Williams, T. Hohman, T. Van Buren, E. Bou-Zeid, A.J. Smits, "The effect of stable thermal stratification on turbulent boundary layer statistics", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 812, 1039-1075, 2017 [link]
T. Van Buren, O. Williams, A.J. Smits, "Turbulent boundary layer response to the introduction of stable stratification", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 811, 569-581, 2017 [link]
O. Williams, T. Nguyen, A.-M. Schreyer and A.J. Smits, "Particle response for particle image velocimetry in supersonic flows", Physics of fluids, 27(7), 076101, 2015 [link]
O. Williams, T. Van Buren and A.J.Smits, "A new method for measuring turbulent heat fluxes using PIV and fast-response cold-wires", Experiments in fluids, 56(7), 1-10, 2015 [link]
O. Williams and A.J. Smits, "Application of PIV to the Measurement of Hypersonic Turbulence", 16th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid mechanics, Lisbon, 2012 [link]
O. Williams and A.J. Smits, "Coherent Structures in a thermally stable turbulent boundary layer", 7th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Ottawa, Canada, 2011
Conference proceedings
OCEANS Conference and Exhibition
P. LaMothe, M. Christian, C. Cadot, O. Williams, P. Brodsky, S.Webster, “Preliminary Exterior Design and Hydrodynamic Evaluation of a Small-Scale Underwater Glider,” OCEANS, 2019
Extreme Flows Workshop
O. Williams, T. Hohman, T. Van Buren, A.J. Smits, "Structure of thermally stable turbulent boundary layers," 2014
Workshop on turbulence in high speed-flow
O. Williams and A.J. Smits, "DPIV for Mach 8 turbulent boundary layer measurements," 2011
16th International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
O. Williams, S.C.C. Bailey, E. Bou-Zeid, A.J. Smits, "Structure of a thermally stable boundary layer," 2010
M Robbins, M Samuell, A Ferrante, O Williams, “Large-field PIV measurements of turbulent separation zone of Gaussian Bump validation geometry”
S Kommalapati, O Williams, “Automated Identification of Vortex properties from individual vector fields using Bayesian approach.“
O Williams, M Tan, X Yang, B Ho, “Influences of forebody size on supersonic retropropulsion flowfield dynamics”
M Dave, B Strom, A Snortland, O Williams, B Polagye, J Franck, “Large-Eddy Simulations of a Cross-Flow Turbine with Intracycle Angular Velocity Control”
M. Samuell, O. Williams, A. Ferrante, “RANS simulations of a turbulent separated flow validation test-case”
A. Snortland, B. Polagye, O. Williams, “Influence of Near-blade Hydrodynamics on Cross-flow Turbine Performance”
F. Spencer, T. Van Buren, A.J. Smits, O. Williams, “Examination of temperature spectra in stably stratified boundary layers measured using nano-scale probe”
M. Wong, O. Williams, “Structure of turbulent boundary layers subjected to wave forcing”
O. Williams, C. Helm, P. Martin, “Examination of uniform momentum zones in hypersonic turbulent boundary layers”
A.-M. Schreyer, O. Williams, A.J. Smits, “PIV measurements in two hypersonic shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interactions
O. Williams, " Experimental Investigation of the interaction between turbulent boundary layers and near-surface wave-induced forcing"
R. Briedenthal, O. Williams, "Sonic eddy model of the turbulent boundary layer"
O. Williams, T. Van Buren, A.J. Smits, "Turbulent heat flux measurements in thermal stable boundary layers"
T. Van Buren, O. Williams, A.J. Smits, "Laboratory investigation of a thermally stable turbulent boundary layer subject to a step change in wall temperature"
A.J. Smits, O. Williams, T. Hohman, T. Van Buren, "Experimental investigation of thermally stable turbulent boundary layers"
O. Williams, T. Nguyen, A.J. Smits, "Resolving turbulence in hypersonic flows using PIV"
O. Williams, A.J. Smits, "Measurements of turbulence in a hypersonic turbulent boundary layer using PIV"
O. Williams and A.J. Smits, "Tripping a hypersonic boundary layer"
O. Williams, S.C.C. Bailey, A.J. Smits, "Coherent structures in a thermally stable boundary layer
O. Williams, S.C.C. Bailey, A.J. Smits, "Turbulent coherent structures in a thermally stable boundary layer"
A. Snortland, B. Polagye, and O. Williams (2019), “Influence of near-blade hydrodynamics on cross-flow turbine performance,” PMEC All-Center Meeting, 2019
C. Cadot, P. LaMothe, O. Williams, P. Brodsky, S. Webster, “Hydrodynamics and Flight Parameters of Small-Scale Gliders,” Ocean Technology Summit, 2017